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ඔබත් මෙයින් ආදර්ශයක් ලබාගන්න මව්පියන්ට සලකන්න සැමදා - ITN වෙනස

මව මරණයෙන් ගොඩ ගත් රත්තරන් පුතා...

පුතණුවන් තමා ලද නිල් මැණිකක් - අම්මා

සංවේදී පුද්ගලන් මෙය නැඹීමෙන් වලකින්න.

එක් ත්‍ය කතාවක්. ITN නාලිකාව වෙනස වැඩසටහන ඔස්සේ පෙන්නු දර්ශනයට අදාල රුපරාමු පෙළක් සහ මේ මවගේ පුතා තම මව මරණයෙන් බේරීමට උත්සාහ ගන්නා දුර්ලබ ඝනයේ සිදුවීකි.  

නෑදෑයන් තම මවට කන්න නොදී මියයාමට ඉඩ දෙන්න කියා තිබියදී කුරුණෑගල වෛද්‍යවරුන් මෙම ලෙඩා රෝහල වලට බාර නොදී තම උත්සාහයෙන් තම මවට යලිත් මරණයෙන් ගොඩ ගැනීමට ත්සහ මතු බුදුවන්න පෙරුම් පුතකු සහ ස්වාමින්වහන්සේ නමක් පිලිබඳ කතාවකි.  

ඇත්තෙන්ම මෙය අදහා ගත නොහැකි එහෙත් ත්‍ය රෝගයකි. මෙය නැරඹීමට නොහැකි දසුනක් බැවින් කිසි සංවේදී පුද්ගලයෙක් මෙය නැඹීමෙන් වලකින්න.

මරණය පෙනි පෙනී සිට තව දුරටත් ජීවත්වීමේ වාසනාව හිමිකරගත් කෙනෙකු වෙතොත් ඒ ආශ්චර්යයකි. එබඳු ආශ්චර්යයකින් ජීවත්වීමේ වාසනාව හිමිකරගත් 60 හැවිරිදි එක්දරු මවක් ගලේවෙල ගලපාමුල ගම්මානයේ සිටී.

ඇය නමින් ඇම්.ඞී. කරුණාවතීය. ඇගේ එකම දරුවා සුසන්ත අමරසිංහ නම් වූ 26 හැවිරිදි තරුණයාය. සුසන්ත කොළඹ විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයේ සෞන්දර්ය අංශයේ උපාධිධරයෙකි. අදටත් සිය මවගේ සියලූ උවටැන් කටයුතු කරන්නේ මේ දරුවාය.

කරුණාවතී මෑණියන්ගේ මුහුණේ එක් ඇසක් එක් කනක් හා නාසයෙන් අර්ධයක් ඇයට අහිමිය. ශල්‍යකර්ම ගණනාවකින් පසුව ඇය තව දුරටත් ජීවත්වීමේ වරම් හිමිකරගෙන සිටී. ඇයට තවත් ශල්‍ය කර්මයක් සිදුකළ යුතුව ඇතැයි විශේෂඥ වෛද්‍යවරුන් පවසා ඇත.

කරුණාවතී මාතාවට වැළඳී ඇත්තේ ලොව ඉතාමත් දුර්ලභ ගනයේ රෝගයකි. මේ වන විටත් හමුවී ඇත්තේ මෙබඳු රෝගීන් 6 දෙනෙකු බවද වෛද්‍ය විශේෂඥයෝ පවසති. ඇයගේ මුහුණේ එක් අර්ධයක මස් සියල්ල දියවී යාම මෙම රෝග තත්ත්වයයි.

තම මවගේ රෝගය හා මුහුණ දුන් ඒ දුක්මුසු පුවත සුසන්ත අමරසිංහගෙන් විමසුවෙමු.

මගේ තාත්තාගේ රැකියාව කුලී වැඩ. අම්මාත් කුලී වැඩ කරලා මට කන්න බොන්න දුන්නා. ඉගැන්නුවා. උපාධියක් ගන්නවා කියන දැඩි අධිෂ්ඨානයක් තිබුණා. ගලේවෙල මධ්‍ය මහා විද්‍යාලයෙන් උසස් පෙළ සමත් වුණේ ඒ-2 බී-1 යි 2006 දී කොළඹ විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයේ සෞන්දර්ය අංශයට ඇතුළු වුණා. 2008 අවුරුද්දේ දී තාත්තා මිය ගියා.

2010 සැප්තැම්බර් 8 වැනිදා මගේ අවසාන විභාගය. අම්මා අසනීප වෙලා රෝහල් ගත කළා. විභාගය ඉවරවුණු ගමන් මම කුරුණෑගල රෝහලට ගියා. අම්මා දැඩි වේදනාවකින් කෑ ගැසුවා. වේදනා නාශක දුන්නත් වැඩක් නැහැ. දවස් දෙකක් ගතවෙද්දී අම්මාගේ මුහුණේ එක පැත්තක් ඉදිමුණා. නිල් පැහැ ගැන්වුණා. අම්මා කොළඹ මහ රෝහලට යැව්වා. අම්මාගේ මුහුණේ එක් පැත්තක මස් දිය වුණා. කටේ තියෙන දත් පෙනුණා.

කොළඹ රෝහලේදී ශල්‍ය කර්ම දෙකක් කළා. අන්තිමේදී ටිකට් කපලා ගෙදර එව්වා. වෛද්‍යවරු නොකියා කිව්වා අම්මා ජීවත් වෙන්නේ තව දවස් කීපයක් කියලා. අම්මා ගෙදර ගෙනාපු මම අම්මට උපස්ථාන කළා. අන්තිමේදී අම්මාගේ තුවාලෙට ඉහඳයෝ (පණුවෝ) ආවා. දඹුල්ල රෝහලට ගෙන ගියා. එහිදී නැවත ශල්‍යාගාරයට ගෙනිහිල්ලා අම්මාගේ තුවාලයට බෙහෙත් දැම්මා. අපි ඉන්න අසරණ තත්ත්වය දැකලා දින කීපයකට බෙහෙත් දුන්නා.

මේ අතර දවසක් මගේ යහළුවෙක් අපේ ගෙදර ආවා. මමත් අම්මාත් විඳින දුක දැක්කා. එයා අපි විඳින දුක එයාගේ යාළුවෙකුට කියලා. ඒ යාළුවා කොහුවල විහාරයේ වලස්මුල්ලේ ජිනරතන හාමුදුරුවන්ට කියලා තියෙනවා. ජිනරතන හාමුදුරුවෝ දවසක් හදිසියේම අපේ ගෙදර ආවා. තොරතුරු ඇහුවා. දවස් කීපයකට පස්සේ මේසන් බාස්වරුන් කට්ටියක් එක්ක ඇවිත් ගේ හදලා දුන්නා. 

ගිලන් රථයක් ගෙනැල්ලා අම්මා කෙළඹ ජාතික රෝහලට අරගෙන ගියා. ප්ලාස්ටික් සැත්කම් ඒකකයට ඇතුළත් කළා. වෛද්‍ය දිලීප් පෙරේරා මහතා ඇතුළු රෝහල් කාර්ය මණ්ඩලය අපිට උපරිම සහාය දුන්නා. මරණය පෙනි පෙනී හිටපු අම්මා නැවත ජීවත් කළා. මගේ අම්මාගේ ජීවිතය බේරා දෙන්න ජිනරතන හාමුදුරුවෝ අති විශාල මුදලක් වැය කළා. අපි උන්වහන්සේට සදා ණය ගැතියි.

මගේ අම්මාට පැය 14 ක ශල්‍ය කර්මයක් කළා. අම්මාගේ බඬේ හමෙන් කෑල්ලක් අරගෙන මුහුණට බද්ධ කළා. තවත් මාස 6 කින් තවත් ශල්‍යකර්මයක් කරන්න තියෙනවා.

තමාට නැවත ජීවත්වීමේ වරම ලබාදීම පිළිබඳව කරුණාවතී මාතාව ජිනරතන හිමියන්ට පින්දෙයි.

දුර්ලභ ගණයේ පරිත්‍යාගයක් කරමින් තමාට උවටැන් කළ තම පුතණුවන් තමා ලද නිල් මැණිකක් යැයි අම්මා අප සමග පැවසුවාය.

Image 16

Suranga at his graduation

The Present condition of Mrs. Karunawathi
June 29, 2012 
After 5 surgeries, performed by eminent medical personnel Dr.Duleep Perera and his team, Mrs. Karunawathie is now at her home attending to her day to day activities. She had been bedridden for more than one year, and now she manages on her own.She gratefully thanks all those who extended their unstinted help and for their generosity.
She awaits medical advice.

The Present condition of Mrs. Karunawathi as at 01st March 2012
March 01, 2012
After three very successful surgical operations to her face where most of the wounded side of her face was reconstructed, Mrs. Karunawathi was discharged from hospital.She is now at her home in Galewela, and is being cared for by her son Suranga. She can get about her daily routine now with a little help and is awaiting the rest of the medical treatment eagerly.
She is to be readmitted to hospital on the 17th march after which more surgery will be done.As the entire medical treatment is not yet over, no photographs of Mrs. Karunawathi can be posted on the website. Once everything is satisfactorily concluded, photos will be made available.
Details of the surgery performed on Mrs. Karunawathi
December 07, 2011
Mrs. Karunawathi was taken for surgery to reconstruct her wasted face at 8 am yesterday, 6th December 2011.A large team of committed and eminent doctors, led by the Consultant Surgeon Dr. Dilip Perera worked for more than 12 hours straight on this surgery. The nursing and the attending staff were incomparable in their attention to detail and care.The Doctors say that the first 24 hours the patient would be under strict observation.It was heart warming to note the concern shown by well wishers who regularly during the operation kept calling for information of the progress.Mrs. Karunawathi's son Suranga and several members of the Kalyana Mithra team including Rev. Walasmulle Jinarathana Thero who was the individual behind this entire project was at the National Hospital in Colombo yesterday, in anticipation of Mrs. Karunawathi's speedy recovery.
The Present condition of Mrs. Karunawathi as at 5th December 2011
December 05, 2011
Mrs. Karunawathi will be taken for the surgery tomorrow (06th December 2011).The doctors are very confident of her condition.All the other surgeries scheduled for tomorrow, have been postponed due to Mrs. Karunawathi ' s surgery being given priority.
The Present condition of Mrs. Karunawathi
November 30, 2011
As at 30th November 2011 Mrs.Karunawathi spends her 50th day at the General Hospital Colombo, undergoing specialized treatment, under a team of committed Physicians.Her health condition has very much improved and gained eight kilos of weight. Her diet is being looked after by a specialist, and also she is being treated for Diabetes.There is a Care Giver who stays by the side of her bed for 24 hours, to attend to her needs.She is happy and her spirits are very high and one could observe her smiles under the bandages. Her smiles under the bandages, conveys a message of gratitude to all.The date for operation has not yet been fixed by theses Doctors.
North Western Provincial Minister Visits Mrs. Karunawathi
October 24, 2011
North Western Provincial Health, Sports and Youth Minister, Hon. Asoka Wadigamangawa visited Mrs. Karunawathi at the hospital on 24th October, and spent a long time talking to her.
Popular actresses visit Mrs. Karunawathi
October 15, 2011 
Mrs. Udari Warnakulasuriya and Miss Asha Edirisinghe visited the hospital yesterday (15th October 2011) to see Mrs. Karunawathi.

Miss Asha brought a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Karunawthi which made her very happy.
Miss Asha brought a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Karunawthi which made her very happy.
Description: Description:
Mrs. Warnakulasuriya and Miss Asha are very famous teledrama actress in Sri Lanka
Anunayaka Thero Visits Mrs. Karunawathi
October 13, 2011
One of the most highly respected reverend priests in Sri Lanka the Chief incumbent of Bambalapitiya Vajiraramaya and Anunayake of Amarapura Sri Dhammarakshitha Nikaya, Rajakeeya Pandita, the Most venerable Thrikunamale Ananda Thero, visited Mrs. Karunawathi at the hospital on 13th October and chanted pirith invoking blessings on Mrs. Karunawathi for quick recovery.

Sangeetha Visits Mrs. Karunawathi
October 13, 2011 
One of the leading film actresses of Sri Lanka, Mrs. Sangeetha Weerarathne who has won many cinematic awards visited Mrs. Karunawathi at the hospital on 13th October, and spent a long time talking to her uplifting her morale.

Mrs. Karunawathi at National Hospital
October 11, 2011
Mrs. Karunawathi is having medical treatment at ward no. 4, the National Hospital of Sri Lanka
Medical treatment for Mrs. Karunawathi
October 10, 2011
On Saturday the 8th, we, who are involved in the 'Help Karunawathi' project, met Dr. Dulip Pereraleading specialist Consultant of the Colombo National Hospital, with Mrs. Karunawathi's medical records and photographs and videos of her face.The kind doctor had advised that she be admitted to his ward at the hospital. He had wanted that she be provided with nutritional foods and the required medication for three weeks, at the end of which a surgery would be considered, if she regains her strength.In pursuance of that advice an Ambulance left early this morning to bring Mrs.Karunawathi to Colombo to be admitted to hospital for treatment.
Now she is getting medical treatment at ward no. 4, the National Hospital of Sri Lanka
Whilst appreciating the kindness of all those good hearted people, who extended their kindness through many ways, we would be very much thankful to you if you also could kindly direct your blessings according to your great religion towards Mrs. Karunawathi, to get her life back."
Construction completed
October 05, 2011
"The group of 'Kalyana Mithra's who left Colombo on the 28th October commenced work on the 29th.While they were camping in Mrs. Karunawathi's compound while attending to the work.Her room was tiled, the walls were plastered and painted. A ceiling was also fixed. A new bathroom was constructed adjacent to her room with modern fittings and provided with hot and cold water.A new mattress was provided for her.A Blender was purchased with which her food is now being prepared.
A kind donor got her a wheelchair and now she is mobile. Earlier she could not sit up for more than half an hour whereas now she can sit up for about 3 hours at a time. She also goes out into the garden for fresh air now and to watch the people at work.Pampers, drawsheets, and medical supplies like cotton wool, gauze etc also has been provided.The group returned to Colombo yesterday (4th October) after a week of being with Mrs.Karunawathi.
Constructing a new bathroom and completing the half built room
September 28, 2011
Winning the battle against such a serious, rare and aggressive disease automatically brings with it, staggering financial burdens. It is mandatory that the environment should be extra clean where the patient, who has such a risky wound on her face is living.As is evident in the images, it is heart breaking to see the way Mrs. Karunawathi has to get a bath. Although this is the case, it is the only way her son, Suranga, can offer her.To help Suranga to make available to his mother a more suitable environment to live in, a group of "Kalyana Mithra"s has already made contributions and commenced to construct a new bathroom and complete her room which is currently half built.The cost of labour and material for this project is borne by the "Kalyana Mithra" group at present. They are now in the process of canvassing funds in cash or kind for the benefit and upliftment of the living standard of Mrs. Karunawathi.
Recent Developments
As an immediate secondary support measure, the group of "Kalyana Mithra"s has already collected money among themselves and have commenced the construction of the bathroom and completing of the half built room in order that Mrs. Karunawathi may have a comfortable life.Some images of the on going construction process are shown bellow. Commenced on 28th September 2011 The group returned to Colombo yesterday (4th October) after a week of being with Mrs.Karunawathi.  

 Construction works
Image 105

The group of "Kalyana Mithra"

Message List
Anunayake of Amarapura Sri Dhammarakshitha Nikaya, Rajakeeya Pandita, the Most Venerable Thrikunamale Ananda Thero, Sri Lanka
December 07, 2011

The Bodhisattva, roaming sansara for countless number of aeons helped in various ways, beings afflicted by sorrow. Once enlightened, the Buddha continued helping such beings for forty five years.This is an excellent opportunity to venerate the Lord Buddha's quality of helping the suffering.It is compassion to identify, empathise and help a being in whatever manner who is afflicted with sorrow to overcome it. The field of compassion, is the suffering being. Unlock your door to compassion. Let your flower of compassion bloom. Let your mind open to compassion.May the awakening of your compassion be in veneration of the Lord Buddha and in homage to the message of all other religious teachers.
Rajakeeya Pandita, Thrikunamale Ananda Thero
Dr.Dhammika Perera, Sri Lanka
October 16, 2011

My dear friends,
I first got to know about this patient about 3 weeks before, when I was sent some photographs of Mr. Karunawathi by Ven. Walasmulle Jinarathana Thero. Since then I also had the opportunity to get involved at several stages of helping her. First I must thank Jinarathana thero for giving us a good opportunity to get ourselves also, involved in a good deed and also directing us to understand the philosophy of life.
There are several important facts that I should highlight here.
1.        This lady has been having this disease for almost more than a year. Since she had been discharged from the ward, with the disease, without being able to go for a reconstructive surgery at that time due to many reasons, her survival up to now, with this situation was a miracle. Mr.Suranga, her beloved son was the key person who looked after her with tremendous seen and unseen difficulties. It should be highly appreciated at all instances. If it was not for Suranga, she would have died many months before. So he deserves a big salute.
2.        Sri Lanka has many charity organizations, Social service departments of government, and many non-governmental organizations in operation to serve the needy people like these. If they are unable to serve a person of this nature, especially someone who is really in need of help, then it is questionable as to what one could expect from such governmental and non-governmental organizations??? Interventions should have been done well before this to uplift the socio-economic condition of the lady, but having all kinds of governmental and non-governmental social service programs in operation, nothing has happened in favor until Ven. Walasmulle Jinarathana Thero visited the lady a few weeks ago. He immediately called for all possible help. He has played his role as a Buddhist monk and it is a great example for many other monks in the country especially for those who can do something but, unfortunately having a blind eye, on matters which really calls for immediate attention.
3.        Ven. Jinarathana Thero first initiated a private fund, donating himself as well, to renovate the room of Mrs. Karunawathi, to have her basic needs in a comfortable manner. Without stopping at that level, he took another step to gather resources to cure her. It is a very important thing to do, since all the suffering that she was undergoing due to this illness, could have been minimized, if there had been any relief from this illness. Any other help, would not have been that effective. So I highly appreciate that effort. Ideally to help someone we should identify all problems prevailing around of that person and should correct all problems at the same time as much as possible to make an effective change in a life. This intervention done for Mrs. Karunawathi is exemplary to all who help the needy people, because helping the other makes you are worthy of living.
4.        There are several organizations operating in Sri Lanka who help people like these with their personal agendas. For example some groups help needy people asking to join their religious beliefs, to convert them to their religion eventually. But this "Kalyana Mithra" group acted in full faith without expecting anything in return; a kalyana mithra behavior in deed. That should be highly appreciated here. Another big salute for all of them led by Ven. Walasmulle Jinarathana Thero.
5.        Finally I have a suggestion here that this kind of socio-economic support and rehabilitation should be started at the level of discharging from hospital and the hospital staff is the best primary persons to initiate a rehabilitation program for a patient. They can contact government and non-government organizations at official level and introduce them, people like these to start a appropriate socio-economic rehabilitation program. If it is done in that manner, no human being has to undergo such unnecessary suffering of this nature.
This project is highly taken up by many, all over the world now and I hope this will be an eye opener for many others who can do something for needy people but not yet started so far. Sincerely I thank all the friends who contributed for this project to make this valuable effort a success and hope that we would get their helping hand further.
And at last I request all my friends to direct their mettha and blessings to this patient for a better and fast recovery from all problems she suffers and My best wishes and thanks goes to the members of this "Kalyana Mithra" group led by Ven. Walasmulle Jinarathana Thero.
May all what is done become a success.
Our Location
Mailing Address
C/O Padmasiri Weledasela
G.G.S. Amarasinghe
Tel: +94-71-835-7383 (Mr. S. Mudalige)
Tel: +94-71-699-2056 (Mr. G.S.S. Amarasinghe)

2011 සැප්තැම්බර් 29 වැනි දින කරුණාවතිගේ තත්වය
සංවේදි අය මෙය නැරඹීමෙන් වලකින්න.
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